}\n\nexport type LoadableGeneratedOptions = {\n webpack?(): any\n modules?(): LoaderMap\n}\n\nexport type DynamicOptionsLoadingProps = {\n error?: Error | null\n isLoading?: boolean\n pastDelay?: boolean\n retry?: () => void\n timedOut?: boolean\n}\n\n// Normalize loader to return the module as form { default: Component } for `React.lazy`.\n// Also for backward compatible since next/dynamic allows to resolve a component directly with loader\n// Client component reference proxy need to be converted to a module.\nfunction convertModule(mod: React.ComponentType
| ComponentModule
) {\n return { default: (mod as ComponentModule
)?.default || mod }\n}\n\nexport type DynamicOptions
= LoadableGeneratedOptions & {\n loading?: (loadingProps: DynamicOptionsLoadingProps) => JSX.Element | null\n loader?: Loader
| LoaderMap\n loadableGenerated?: LoadableGeneratedOptions\n ssr?: boolean\n}\n\nexport type LoadableOptions
= DynamicOptions
\n\nexport type LoadableFn
= (\n opts: LoadableOptions
\n) => React.ComponentType
\n\nexport type LoadableComponent
= React.ComponentType
\n\nexport function noSSR
(\n LoadableInitializer: LoadableFn
,\n loadableOptions: DynamicOptions
\n): React.ComponentType
{\n // Removing webpack and modules means react-loadable won't try preloading\n delete loadableOptions.webpack\n delete loadableOptions.modules\n\n // This check is necessary to prevent react-loadable from initializing on the server\n if (!isServerSide) {\n return LoadableInitializer(loadableOptions)\n }\n\n const Loading = loadableOptions.loading!\n // This will only be rendered on the server side\n return () => (\n \n )\n}\n\n/**\n * This function lets you dynamically import a component.\n * It uses [React.lazy()](https://react.dev/reference/react/lazy) with [Suspense](https://react.dev/reference/react/Suspense) under the hood.\n *\n * Read more: [Next.js Docs: `next/dynamic`](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loading#nextdynamic)\n */\nexport default function dynamic
(\n dynamicOptions: DynamicOptions
| Loader
,\n options?: DynamicOptions
\n): React.ComponentType
{\n let loadableFn = Loadable as LoadableFn
\n\n let loadableOptions: LoadableOptions
= {\n // A loading component is not required, so we default it\n loading: ({ error, isLoading, pastDelay }) => {\n if (!pastDelay) return null\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n if (isLoading) {\n return null\n }\n if (error) {\n return (\n
\n {error.message}\n
\n {error.stack}\n
\n )\n }\n }\n return null\n },\n }\n\n // Support for direct import(), eg: dynamic(import('../hello-world'))\n // Note that this is only kept for the edge case where someone is passing in a promise as first argument\n // The react-loadable babel plugin will turn dynamic(import('../hello-world')) into dynamic(() => import('../hello-world'))\n // To make sure we don't execute the import without rendering first\n if (dynamicOptions instanceof Promise) {\n loadableOptions.loader = () => dynamicOptions\n // Support for having import as a function, eg: dynamic(() => import('../hello-world'))\n } else if (typeof dynamicOptions === 'function') {\n loadableOptions.loader = dynamicOptions\n // Support for having first argument being options, eg: dynamic({loader: import('../hello-world')})\n } else if (typeof dynamicOptions === 'object') {\n loadableOptions = { ...loadableOptions, ...dynamicOptions }\n }\n\n // Support for passing options, eg: dynamic(import('../hello-world'), {loading: () => Loading something
})\n loadableOptions = { ...loadableOptions, ...options }\n\n const loaderFn = loadableOptions.loader as () => LoaderComponent\n const loader = () =>\n loaderFn != null\n ? loaderFn().then(convertModule)\n : Promise.resolve(convertModule(() => null))\n\n // coming from build/babel/plugins/react-loadable-plugin.js\n if (loadableOptions.loadableGenerated) {\n loadableOptions = {\n ...loadableOptions,\n ...loadableOptions.loadableGenerated,\n }\n delete loadableOptions.loadableGenerated\n }\n\n // support for disabling server side rendering, eg: dynamic(() => import('../hello-world'), {ssr: false}).\n if (typeof loadableOptions.ssr === 'boolean' && !loadableOptions.ssr) {\n delete loadableOptions.webpack\n delete loadableOptions.modules\n\n return noSSR(loadableFn, loadableOptions)\n }\n\n return loadableFn({ ...loadableOptions, loader: loader as Loader
})\n}\n","'use client'\n\nimport React from 'react'\n\ntype CaptureFn = (moduleName: string) => void\n\nexport const LoadableContext = React.createContext(null)\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n LoadableContext.displayName = 'LoadableContext'\n}\n","// TODO: Remove use of `any` type.\n/**\n@copyright (c) 2017-present James Kyle \n MIT License\n Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND\nNONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION\nOF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION\nWITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE\n*/\n// https://github.com/jamiebuilds/react-loadable/blob/v5.5.0/src/index.js\n// Modified to be compatible with webpack 4 / Next.js\n\nimport React from 'react'\nimport { LoadableContext } from './loadable-context.shared-runtime'\n\nfunction resolve(obj: any) {\n return obj && obj.default ? obj.default : obj\n}\n\nconst ALL_INITIALIZERS: any[] = []\nconst READY_INITIALIZERS: any[] = []\nlet initialized = false\n\nfunction load(loader: any) {\n let promise = loader()\n\n let state: any = {\n loading: true,\n loaded: null,\n error: null,\n }\n\n state.promise = promise\n .then((loaded: any) => {\n state.loading = false\n state.loaded = loaded\n return loaded\n })\n .catch((err: any) => {\n state.loading = false\n state.error = err\n throw err\n })\n\n return state\n}\n\nfunction createLoadableComponent(loadFn: any, options: any) {\n let opts = Object.assign(\n {\n loader: null,\n loading: null,\n delay: 200,\n timeout: null,\n webpack: null,\n modules: null,\n },\n options\n )\n\n /** @type LoadableSubscription */\n let subscription: any = null\n function init() {\n if (!subscription) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define\n const sub = new LoadableSubscription(loadFn, opts)\n subscription = {\n getCurrentValue: sub.getCurrentValue.bind(sub),\n subscribe: sub.subscribe.bind(sub),\n retry: sub.retry.bind(sub),\n promise: sub.promise.bind(sub),\n }\n }\n return subscription.promise()\n }\n\n // Server only\n if (typeof window === 'undefined') {\n ALL_INITIALIZERS.push(init)\n }\n\n // Client only\n if (!initialized && typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n // require.resolveWeak check is needed for environments that don't have it available like Jest\n const moduleIds =\n opts.webpack && typeof (require as any).resolveWeak === 'function'\n ? opts.webpack()\n : opts.modules\n if (moduleIds) {\n READY_INITIALIZERS.push((ids: any) => {\n for (const moduleId of moduleIds) {\n if (ids.includes(moduleId)) {\n return init()\n }\n }\n })\n }\n }\n\n function useLoadableModule() {\n init()\n\n const context = React.useContext(LoadableContext)\n if (context && Array.isArray(opts.modules)) {\n opts.modules.forEach((moduleName: any) => {\n context(moduleName)\n })\n }\n }\n\n function LoadableComponent(props: any, ref: any) {\n useLoadableModule()\n\n const state = (React as any).useSyncExternalStore(\n subscription.subscribe,\n subscription.getCurrentValue,\n subscription.getCurrentValue\n )\n\n React.useImperativeHandle(\n ref,\n () => ({\n retry: subscription.retry,\n }),\n []\n )\n\n return React.useMemo(() => {\n if (state.loading || state.error) {\n return React.createElement(opts.loading, {\n isLoading: state.loading,\n pastDelay: state.pastDelay,\n timedOut: state.timedOut,\n error: state.error,\n retry: subscription.retry,\n })\n } else if (state.loaded) {\n return React.createElement(resolve(state.loaded), props)\n } else {\n return null\n }\n }, [props, state])\n }\n\n LoadableComponent.preload = () => init()\n LoadableComponent.displayName = 'LoadableComponent'\n\n return React.forwardRef(LoadableComponent)\n}\n\nclass LoadableSubscription {\n _loadFn: any\n _opts: any\n _callbacks: any\n _delay: any\n _timeout: any\n _res: any\n _state: any\n constructor(loadFn: any, opts: any) {\n this._loadFn = loadFn\n this._opts = opts\n this._callbacks = new Set()\n this._delay = null\n this._timeout = null\n\n this.retry()\n }\n\n promise() {\n return this._res.promise\n }\n\n retry() {\n this._clearTimeouts()\n this._res = this._loadFn(this._opts.loader)\n\n this._state = {\n pastDelay: false,\n timedOut: false,\n }\n\n const { _res: res, _opts: opts } = this\n\n if (res.loading) {\n if (typeof opts.delay === 'number') {\n if (opts.delay === 0) {\n this._state.pastDelay = true\n } else {\n this._delay = setTimeout(() => {\n this._update({\n pastDelay: true,\n })\n }, opts.delay)\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof opts.timeout === 'number') {\n this._timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n this._update({ timedOut: true })\n }, opts.timeout)\n }\n }\n\n this._res.promise\n .then(() => {\n this._update({})\n this._clearTimeouts()\n })\n .catch((_err: any) => {\n this._update({})\n this._clearTimeouts()\n })\n this._update({})\n }\n\n _update(partial: any) {\n this._state = {\n ...this._state,\n error: this._res.error,\n loaded: this._res.loaded,\n loading: this._res.loading,\n ...partial,\n }\n this._callbacks.forEach((callback: any) => callback())\n }\n\n _clearTimeouts() {\n clearTimeout(this._delay)\n clearTimeout(this._timeout)\n }\n\n getCurrentValue() {\n return this._state\n }\n\n subscribe(callback: any) {\n this._callbacks.add(callback)\n return () => {\n this._callbacks.delete(callback)\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction Loadable(opts: any) {\n return createLoadableComponent(load, opts)\n}\n\nfunction flushInitializers(initializers: any, ids?: any): any {\n let promises = []\n\n while (initializers.length) {\n let init = initializers.pop()\n promises.push(init(ids))\n }\n\n return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {\n if (initializers.length) {\n return flushInitializers(initializers, ids)\n }\n })\n}\n\nLoadable.preloadAll = () => {\n return new Promise((resolveInitializers, reject) => {\n flushInitializers(ALL_INITIALIZERS).then(resolveInitializers, reject)\n })\n}\n\nLoadable.preloadReady = (ids: (string | number)[] = []): Promise => {\n return new Promise((resolvePreload) => {\n const res = () => {\n initialized = true\n return resolvePreload()\n }\n // We always will resolve, errors should be handled within loading UIs.\n flushInitializers(READY_INITIALIZERS, ids).then(res, res)\n })\n}\n\ndeclare global {\n interface Window {\n __NEXT_PRELOADREADY?: (ids?: (string | number)[]) => Promise\n }\n}\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n window.__NEXT_PRELOADREADY = Loadable.preloadReady\n}\n\nexport default Loadable\n","import { NextPage } from 'next';\nimport type { AppProps } from 'next/app';\nimport Head from 'next/head';\nimport React, { ReactElement, useMemo } from 'react';\nimport { ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/client';\nimport createEmotionCache from '@emotion/cache';\nimport { CacheProvider } from '@emotion/react';\nimport { Box, StyledEngineProvider } from '@mui/material';\nimport { ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';\nimport { AdapterLuxon } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterLuxon';\nimport {\n LocalizationProviderProps,\n LocalizationProvider as RawLocalizationProvider,\n} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';\nimport { ErrorBoundary, Provider } from '@rollbar/react';\nimport { DateTime } from 'luxon';\nimport { Session } from 'next-auth';\nimport { SessionProvider } from 'next-auth/react';\nimport { SnackbarProvider } from 'notistack';\nimport { I18nextProvider, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';\nimport Rollbar from 'rollbar';\nimport { Announcements } from 'src/components/Announcements/Announcements';\nimport DataDog from 'src/components/DataDog/DataDog';\nimport { GlobalStyles } from 'src/components/GlobalStyles/GlobalStyles';\nimport { Helpjuice } from 'src/components/Helpjuice/Helpjuice';\nimport PrimaryLayout from 'src/components/Layouts/Primary';\nimport Loading from 'src/components/Loading';\nimport { RouterGuard } from 'src/components/RouterGuard/RouterGuard';\nimport { SetupProvider } from 'src/components/Setup/SetupProvider';\nimport { SnackbarUtilsConfigurator } from 'src/components/Snackbar/Snackbar';\nimport TaskModalProvider from 'src/components/Task/Modal/TaskModalProvider';\nimport { UserPreferenceProvider } from 'src/components/User/Preferences/UserPreferenceProvider';\nimport { AppSettingsProvider } from 'src/components/common/AppSettings/AppSettingsProvider';\nimport { useLocale } from 'src/hooks/useLocale';\nimport { useRequiredSession } from 'src/hooks/useRequiredSession';\nimport makeClient from 'src/lib/apollo/client';\nimport i18n from 'src/lib/i18n';\nimport theme from 'src/theme';\nimport './helpjuice.css';\nimport './print.css';\n\nexport type PageWithLayout = NextPage & {\n layout?: React.FC;\n};\n\n// Wrapper for LocalizationProvider that adds the user's preferred locale\nconst LocalizationProvider = (\n props: LocalizationProviderProps,\n): JSX.Element => {\n const locale = useLocale();\n\n return ;\n};\n\n// This provider contains all components and providers that depend on having an Apollo client or a valid session\n// It will not be present on the login page\nconst GraphQLProviders: React.FC<{\n children: React.ReactNode;\n}> = ({ children = null }) => {\n const { apiToken } = useRequiredSession();\n const client = useMemo(() => makeClient(apiToken), [apiToken]);\n\n return (\n \n \n \n {children}\n \n \n \n );\n};\n\nconst nonAuthenticatedPages = new Set(['/login', '/404', '/500']);\n\nconst App = ({\n Component,\n pageProps,\n router,\n}: AppProps<{\n session?: Session;\n}>): ReactElement => {\n const { t } = useTranslation();\n const Layout = (Component as PageWithLayout).layout || PrimaryLayout;\n const { session } = pageProps;\n const rollbarConfig: Rollbar.Configuration = {\n accessToken: process.env.ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN,\n environment: `react_${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,\n codeVersion: React.version,\n captureUncaught: true,\n captureUnhandledRejections: true,\n payload: {\n client: {\n javascript: {\n code_version: React.version,\n },\n },\n },\n enabled: Boolean(process.env.ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN),\n checkIgnore: (_, args) =>\n // Ignore React hydration warnings\n [\n 'Minified React error #418',\n 'Minified React error #423',\n 'Minified React error #425',\n ].some((error) => typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].includes(error)),\n };\n\n const emotionCache = createEmotionCache({ key: 'css' });\n\n if (!session && !nonAuthenticatedPages.has(router.pathname)) {\n throw new Error(\n 'A session was not provided via page props. Make sure that getServerSideProps for this page returns the session in its props.',\n );\n }\n\n const pageContent = (\n \n \n \n \n \n ({\n fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily,\n })}\n >\n \n \n \n \n );\n\n return (\n <>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {/* On the login page and error pages, the user isn't not authenticated and doesn't have an API token,\n so don't include the session or Apollo providers because they require an API token */}\n {nonAuthenticatedPages.has(router.pathname) ? (\n pageContent\n ) : (\n \n {pageContent}\n \n )}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n >\n );\n};\n\nexport default App;\n","import * as Types from '../../src/graphql/types.generated';\n\nimport { gql } from '@apollo/client';\nimport * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';\nconst defaultOptions = {} as const;\nexport type GetDefaultAccountQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{\n [key: string]: never;\n}>;\n\nexport type GetDefaultAccountQuery = { __typename?: 'Query' } & {\n user: { __typename?: 'User' } & Pick;\n accountLists: { __typename?: 'AccountListConnection' } & {\n nodes: Array<\n { __typename?: 'AccountList' } & Pick\n >;\n };\n};\n\nexport const GetDefaultAccountDocument = gql`\n query GetDefaultAccount {\n user {\n id\n defaultAccountList\n }\n accountLists(first: 1) {\n nodes {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n`;\n\n/**\n * __useGetDefaultAccountQuery__\n *\n * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetDefaultAccountQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.\n * When your component renders, `useGetDefaultAccountQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties\n * you can use to render your UI.\n *\n * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;\n *\n * @example\n * const { data, loading, error } = useGetDefaultAccountQuery({\n * variables: {\n * },\n * });\n */\nexport function useGetDefaultAccountQuery(\n baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<\n GetDefaultAccountQuery,\n GetDefaultAccountQueryVariables\n >,\n) {\n const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions };\n return Apollo.useQuery<\n GetDefaultAccountQuery,\n GetDefaultAccountQueryVariables\n >(GetDefaultAccountDocument, options);\n}\nexport function useGetDefaultAccountLazyQuery(\n baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<\n GetDefaultAccountQuery,\n GetDefaultAccountQueryVariables\n >,\n) {\n const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions };\n return Apollo.useLazyQuery<\n GetDefaultAccountQuery,\n GetDefaultAccountQueryVariables\n >(GetDefaultAccountDocument, options);\n}\nexport type GetDefaultAccountQueryHookResult = ReturnType<\n typeof useGetDefaultAccountQuery\n>;\nexport type GetDefaultAccountLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<\n typeof useGetDefaultAccountLazyQuery\n>;\nexport type GetDefaultAccountQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<\n GetDefaultAccountQuery,\n GetDefaultAccountQueryVariables\n>;\n","import {\n GraphQLResolveInfo,\n GraphQLScalarType,\n GraphQLScalarTypeConfig,\n} from 'graphql';\nimport { Context } from './graphql-rest.page';\nexport type Maybe = T | null;\nexport type InputMaybe = Maybe;\nexport type Exact = {\n [K in keyof T]: T[K];\n};\nexport type MakeOptional = Omit & {\n [SubKey in K]?: Maybe;\n};\nexport type MakeMaybe = Omit & {\n [SubKey in K]: Maybe;\n};\nexport type MakeEmpty<\n T extends { [key: string]: unknown },\n K extends keyof T,\n> = { [_ in K]?: never };\nexport type Incremental =\n | T\n | {\n [P in keyof T]?: P extends ' $fragmentName' | '__typename' ? T[P] : never;\n };\nexport type RequireFields = Omit & {\n [P in K]-?: NonNullable;\n};\n/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */\nexport type Scalars = {\n ID: { input: string; output: string };\n String: { input: string; output: string };\n Boolean: { input: boolean; output: boolean };\n Int: { input: number; output: number };\n Float: { input: number; output: number };\n /** An ISO 8601-encoded date */\n ISO8601Date: { input: string; output: string };\n /** An ISO 8601-encoded datetime */\n ISO8601DateTime: { input: string; output: string };\n /** Represents untyped JSON */\n JSON: { input: any; output: any };\n};\n\nexport type AccountList = {\n __typename?: 'AccountList';\n activeMpdFinishAt?: Maybe;\n activeMpdMonthlyGoal?: Maybe;\n activeMpdStartAt?: Maybe;\n appeals?: Maybe>;\n balance: Scalars['Float']['output'];\n churches: Array;\n coaches: UserScopedToAccountListConnection;\n contactFilterGroups: Array;\n contactTagList: Array;\n contacts: ContactConnection;\n createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n currency: Scalars['String']['output'];\n designationAccounts: Array;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n monthlyGoal?: Maybe;\n name?: Maybe;\n partnerGivingAnalysisFilterGroups: Array;\n primaryAppeal?: Maybe;\n receivedPledges: Scalars['Float']['output'];\n salaryOrganizationId?: Maybe;\n settings?: Maybe;\n taskFilterGroups: Array;\n taskTagList: Array;\n totalPledges: Scalars['Float']['output'];\n updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n users: UserScopedToAccountListConnection;\n weeksOnMpd: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type AccountListChurchesArgs = {\n search?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListCoachesArgs = {\n after?: InputMaybe;\n before?: InputMaybe;\n first?: InputMaybe;\n last?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListContactsArgs = {\n after?: InputMaybe;\n before?: InputMaybe;\n filter?: InputMaybe;\n first?: InputMaybe;\n last?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListUsersArgs = {\n after?: InputMaybe;\n before?: InputMaybe;\n first?: InputMaybe;\n last?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListAnalytics = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListAnalytics';\n appointments: AppointmentsAccountListAnalytics;\n contacts: ContactsAccountListAnalytics;\n contactsByStatus: ContactsByStatus;\n correspondence: CorrespondenceAccountListAnalytics;\n electronic: ElectronicAccountListAnalytics;\n email: EmailsAccountListAnalytics;\n endDate: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n facebook: FacebookAccountListAnalytics;\n phone: PhoneAccountListAnalytics;\n startDate: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n textMessage: TextMessageAccountListAnalytics;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListCoachDeleteMutation */\nexport type AccountListCoachDeleteMutationInput = {\n /** account list id */\n accountListId?: InputMaybe;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n /** The ID of the coach to remove */\n coachId?: InputMaybe;\n /** account list id (DEPRECATED: please use account_list_id AND coach_id instead) */\n id?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListCoachDeleteMutation */\nexport type AccountListCoachDeleteMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListCoachDeleteMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type AccountListCoaches = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListCoaches';\n accountListsId?: Maybe;\n createdAt?: Maybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n updatedAt?: Maybe;\n updatedInDbAt?: Maybe;\n userCoachesId?: Maybe;\n};\n\n/** The connection type for AccountList. */\nexport type AccountListConnection = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListConnection';\n /** A list of edges. */\n edges: Array;\n /** A list of nodes. */\n nodes: Array;\n /** Information to aid in pagination. */\n pageInfo: PageInfo;\n /** Total # of objects returned from this Plural Query */\n totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n /** Total # of pages, based on total count and pagesize */\n totalPageCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type AccountListDesignationAccounts = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListDesignationAccounts';\n displayName?: Maybe;\n id?: Maybe;\n organization?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListDonorAccount = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListDonorAccount';\n accountNumber: Scalars['String']['output'];\n displayName: Scalars['String']['output'];\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n};\n\n/** An edge in a connection. */\nexport type AccountListEdge = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListEdge';\n /** A cursor for use in pagination. */\n cursor: Scalars['String']['output'];\n /** The item at the end of the edge. */\n node?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListEmailAddresses = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListEmailAddresses';\n email?: Maybe;\n id?: Maybe;\n primary?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListInvite = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListInvite';\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n cancelledByUser?: Maybe;\n createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n inviteUserAs?: Maybe;\n invitedByUser: UserScopedToAccountList;\n recipientEmail: Scalars['String']['output'];\n updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n};\n\n/** The connection type for AccountListInvite. */\nexport type AccountListInviteConnection = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListInviteConnection';\n /** A list of edges. */\n edges: Array;\n /** A list of nodes. */\n nodes: Array;\n /** Information to aid in pagination. */\n pageInfo: PageInfo;\n /** Total # of objects returned from this Plural Query */\n totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n /** Total # of pages, based on total count and pagesize */\n totalPageCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type AccountListInviteCreateInput = {\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n inviteUserAs: InviteTypeEnum;\n recipientEmail: Scalars['String']['input'];\n};\n\n/** An edge in a connection. */\nexport type AccountListInviteEdge = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListInviteEdge';\n /** A cursor for use in pagination. */\n cursor: Scalars['String']['output'];\n /** The item at the end of the edge. */\n node?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListInvitedByUser = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListInvitedByUser';\n firstName?: Maybe;\n id?: Maybe;\n lastName?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListInvites = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListInvites';\n id?: Maybe;\n inviteUserAs?: Maybe;\n invitedByUser?: Maybe;\n recipientEmail?: Maybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListMergeMutation */\nexport type AccountListMergeMutationInput = {\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n losingAccountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n winningAccountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListMergeMutation */\nexport type AccountListMergeMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListMergeMutationPayload';\n accountList: AccountList;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListOrganization = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListOrganization';\n id?: Maybe;\n name?: Maybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListPledgeCreateMutation */\nexport type AccountListPledgeCreateMutationInput = {\n /** AccountList ID that the appeal will be found from */\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n /** Attributes of created pledge */\n attributes: PledgeCreateInput;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListPledgeCreateMutation */\nexport type AccountListPledgeCreateMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListPledgeCreateMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n pledge: Pledge;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListPledgeDeleteMutation */\nexport type AccountListPledgeDeleteMutationInput = {\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n /** The ID of the pledge to remove */\n id: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListPledgeDeleteMutation */\nexport type AccountListPledgeDeleteMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListPledgeDeleteMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListPledgeUpdateMutation */\nexport type AccountListPledgeUpdateMutationInput = {\n /** Attributes of updated pledge */\n attributes: PledgeUpdateInput;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n /** Pledge ID that will be updated */\n pledgeId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListPledgeUpdateMutation */\nexport type AccountListPledgeUpdateMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListPledgeUpdateMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n pledge: Pledge;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListResetMutation */\nexport type AccountListResetMutationInput = {\n accountListId?: InputMaybe;\n accountListName?: InputMaybe;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n reason: Scalars['String']['input'];\n resettedUserEmail?: InputMaybe;\n resettedUserId?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListResetMutation */\nexport type AccountListResetMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListResetMutationPayload';\n accountList: AccountList;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListSettings = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListSettings';\n createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n currency?: Maybe;\n homeCountry?: Maybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n monthlyGoal?: Maybe;\n tester?: Maybe;\n updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type AccountListSettingsInput = {\n currency?: InputMaybe;\n homeCountry?: InputMaybe;\n monthlyGoal?: InputMaybe;\n tester?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListUpdateInput = {\n activeMpdFinishAt?: InputMaybe;\n activeMpdMonthlyGoal?: InputMaybe;\n activeMpdStartAt?: InputMaybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n name?: InputMaybe;\n salaryOrganizationId?: InputMaybe;\n settings?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListUpdateMutation */\nexport type AccountListUpdateMutationInput = {\n attributes: AccountListUpdateInput;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListUpdateMutation */\nexport type AccountListUpdateMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListUpdateMutationPayload';\n accountList: AccountList;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListUser = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListUser';\n createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n user: UserScopedToAccountList;\n};\n\n/** The connection type for AccountListUser. */\nexport type AccountListUserConnection = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListUserConnection';\n /** A list of edges. */\n edges: Array;\n /** A list of nodes. */\n nodes: Array;\n /** Information to aid in pagination. */\n pageInfo: PageInfo;\n /** Total # of objects returned from this Plural Query */\n totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n /** Total # of pages, based on total count and pagesize */\n totalPageCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AccountListUserDeleteMutation */\nexport type AccountListUserDeleteMutationInput = {\n /** account list id */\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n /** The ID of the user to remove */\n userId?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AccountListUserDeleteMutation */\nexport type AccountListUserDeleteMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListUserDeleteMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n};\n\n/** An edge in a connection. */\nexport type AccountListUserEdge = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListUserEdge';\n /** A cursor for use in pagination. */\n cursor: Scalars['String']['output'];\n /** The item at the end of the edge. */\n node?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AccountListUsers = {\n __typename?: 'AccountListUsers';\n allowDeletion?: Maybe;\n id?: Maybe;\n lastSyncedAt?: Maybe;\n organizationCount?: Maybe;\n userEmailAddresses?: Maybe>>;\n userFirstName?: Maybe;\n userId?: Maybe;\n userLastName?: Maybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AcknowledgeAllUserNotificationsMutation */\nexport type AcknowledgeAllUserNotificationsMutationInput = {\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AcknowledgeAllUserNotificationsMutation */\nexport type AcknowledgeAllUserNotificationsMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AcknowledgeAllUserNotificationsMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n notificationIds: Array;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AcknowledgeAnnouncementMutation */\nexport type AcknowledgeAnnouncementMutationInput = {\n /** action being triggered by user (must belong to announcement being acknowledged) */\n actionId?: InputMaybe;\n /** announcement to acknowledge (will no longer be visible under announcements query) */\n announcementId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AcknowledgeAnnouncementMutation */\nexport type AcknowledgeAnnouncementMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AcknowledgeAnnouncementMutationPayload';\n announcement: Announcement;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AcknowledgeUserNotificationMutation */\nexport type AcknowledgeUserNotificationMutationInput = {\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n /** userNotification to acknowledge (will mark userNotification as read) */\n notificationId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AcknowledgeUserNotificationMutation */\nexport type AcknowledgeUserNotificationMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AcknowledgeUserNotificationMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n notification: UserNotification;\n};\n\nexport type Action = {\n __typename?: 'Action';\n action?: Maybe;\n args?: Maybe;\n createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n label: Scalars['String']['output'];\n style?: Maybe;\n updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n};\n\nexport enum ActionEnum {\n /** this action should create an appeal. */\n AppealCreate = 'appeal_create',\n /** this action should navigate to a specific location (use args to determine destination) */\n Go = 'go',\n /** this action should dispatch an event to adobe analytics (use args to determine event to dispatch) */\n Track = 'track',\n}\n\nexport enum ActionStyleEnum {\n /** announcement should be colored as a danger button */\n Danger = 'danger',\n /** action should not have coloring */\n Default = 'default',\n /** announcement should be colored as a font-awesome icon (use label as icon type) */\n Icon = 'icon',\n /** action should be colored as an infomational button */\n Info = 'info',\n /** announcement should be colored as a link */\n Link = 'link',\n /** action should be colored as a primary button */\n Primary = 'primary',\n /** announcement should be colored as a reverse button */\n ReverseAction = 'reverse_action',\n /** action should be colored as a secondary button */\n Secondary = 'secondary',\n /** announcement should be colored as a success button */\n Success = 'success',\n /** action should be colored as a warning button */\n Warning = 'warning',\n}\n\nexport type ActivitiesConstant = {\n __typename?: 'ActivitiesConstant';\n action: Scalars['String']['output'];\n id: ActivityTypeEnum;\n name: Scalars['String']['output'];\n phase: Scalars['String']['output'];\n value: Scalars['String']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type ActivityResults = {\n __typename?: 'ActivityResults';\n periods: Array;\n};\n\nexport type ActivityResultsPeriod = {\n __typename?: 'ActivityResultsPeriod';\n appointmentInPerson: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n appointmentPhoneCall: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n appointmentTotal: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n appointmentVideoCall: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n callsWithAppointmentNext: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n completedCall: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n completedPreCallLetter: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n completedReminderLetter: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n completedSupportLetter: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n completedThank: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n contactsAdded: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n contactsReferred: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n contactsTotal: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n dials: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n electronicMessageSent: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n electronicMessageWithAppointmentNext: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n endDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']['output'];\n followUpEmail: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n followUpInPerson: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n followUpPhoneCall: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n followUpSocialMedia: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n followUpTextMessage: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n followUpTotal: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationEmail: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationInPerson: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationLetter: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationPhoneCall: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationSocialMedia: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationSpecialGiftAppeal: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationTextMessage: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n initiationTotal: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCareDigitalNewsletter: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCarePhysicalNewsletter: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCarePrayerRequest: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCareThank: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCareToDo: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCareTotal: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n partnerCareUpdateInformation: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n startDate: Scalars['ISO8601Date']['output'];\n};\n\nexport enum ActivityTypeEnum {\n AppointmentInPerson = 'APPOINTMENT_IN_PERSON',\n AppointmentPhoneCall = 'APPOINTMENT_PHONE_CALL',\n AppointmentVideoCall = 'APPOINTMENT_VIDEO_CALL',\n FollowUpEmail = 'FOLLOW_UP_EMAIL',\n FollowUpInPerson = 'FOLLOW_UP_IN_PERSON',\n FollowUpPhoneCall = 'FOLLOW_UP_PHONE_CALL',\n FollowUpSocialMedia = 'FOLLOW_UP_SOCIAL_MEDIA',\n FollowUpTextMessage = 'FOLLOW_UP_TEXT_MESSAGE',\n InitiationEmail = 'INITIATION_EMAIL',\n InitiationInPerson = 'INITIATION_IN_PERSON',\n InitiationLetter = 'INITIATION_LETTER',\n InitiationPhoneCall = 'INITIATION_PHONE_CALL',\n InitiationSocialMedia = 'INITIATION_SOCIAL_MEDIA',\n InitiationSpecialGiftAppeal = 'INITIATION_SPECIAL_GIFT_APPEAL',\n InitiationTextMessage = 'INITIATION_TEXT_MESSAGE',\n /** special type when filtered by will return any task with no activityType */\n None = 'NONE',\n PartnerCareDigitalNewsletter = 'PARTNER_CARE_DIGITAL_NEWSLETTER',\n PartnerCareEmail = 'PARTNER_CARE_EMAIL',\n PartnerCareInPerson = 'PARTNER_CARE_IN_PERSON',\n PartnerCarePhoneCall = 'PARTNER_CARE_PHONE_CALL',\n PartnerCarePhysicalNewsletter = 'PARTNER_CARE_PHYSICAL_NEWSLETTER',\n PartnerCarePrayerRequest = 'PARTNER_CARE_PRAYER_REQUEST',\n PartnerCareSocialMedia = 'PARTNER_CARE_SOCIAL_MEDIA',\n PartnerCareTextMessage = 'PARTNER_CARE_TEXT_MESSAGE',\n PartnerCareThank = 'PARTNER_CARE_THANK',\n PartnerCareToDo = 'PARTNER_CARE_TO_DO',\n PartnerCareUpdateInformation = 'PARTNER_CARE_UPDATE_INFORMATION',\n}\n\nexport type Address = {\n __typename?: 'Address';\n city?: Maybe;\n country?: Maybe;\n createdAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n geo?: Maybe;\n historic: Scalars['Boolean']['output'];\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n location?: Maybe;\n metroArea?: Maybe;\n postalCode?: Maybe;\n primaryMailingAddress: Scalars['Boolean']['output'];\n region?: Maybe;\n source: Scalars['String']['output'];\n sourceDonorAccount?: Maybe;\n startDate?: Maybe;\n state?: Maybe;\n street?: Maybe;\n updatedAt: Scalars['ISO8601DateTime']['output'];\n validValues: Scalars['Boolean']['output'];\n};\n\n/** The connection type for Address. */\nexport type AddressConnection = {\n __typename?: 'AddressConnection';\n /** A list of edges. */\n edges: Array;\n /** A list of nodes. */\n nodes: Array;\n /** Information to aid in pagination. */\n pageInfo: PageInfo;\n /** Total # of objects returned from this Plural Query */\n totalCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n /** Total # of pages, based on total count and pagesize */\n totalPageCount: Scalars['Int']['output'];\n};\n\nexport type AddressCreateInput = {\n city?: InputMaybe;\n contactId: Scalars['String']['input'];\n country?: InputMaybe;\n historic?: InputMaybe;\n location?: InputMaybe;\n metroArea?: InputMaybe;\n postalCode?: InputMaybe;\n region?: InputMaybe;\n state?: InputMaybe;\n street: Scalars['String']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AddressCreateMutation */\nexport type AddressCreateMutationInput = {\n /** AccountList ID that address is associated with */\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n /** attributes to create address */\n attributes: AddressCreateInput;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AddressCreateMutation */\nexport type AddressCreateMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AddressCreateMutationPayload';\n address: Address;\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated input type of AddressDeleteMutation */\nexport type AddressDeleteMutationInput = {\n accountListId: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: InputMaybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n};\n\n/** Autogenerated return type of AddressDeleteMutation */\nexport type AddressDeleteMutationPayload = {\n __typename?: 'AddressDeleteMutationPayload';\n /** A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. */\n clientMutationId?: Maybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['output'];\n};\n\n/** An edge in a connection. */\nexport type AddressEdge = {\n __typename?: 'AddressEdge';\n /** A cursor for use in pagination. */\n cursor: Scalars['String']['output'];\n /** The item at the end of the edge. */\n node?: Maybe;\n};\n\nexport type AddressUpdateInput = {\n city?: InputMaybe;\n country?: InputMaybe;\n historic?: InputMaybe;\n id: Scalars['ID']['input'];\n location?: InputMaybe;\n metroArea?: InputMaybe;\n postalCode?: InputMaybe;\n primaryMailingAddress?: InputMaybe;\n region?: InputMaybe;\n state?: InputMaybe;\n street?: InputMaybe